What to expect:

CACTIVATE is a full-service management solution. This means after you import your campaign(s), you can simply sit back and relax as CACTIVATE will create/test new audiences and targeting strategies to deliver you with the maximum ROAS. You may also want to test creating a brand new campaign with our 'Create' feature.

How this works:
  1. We will extract and choose the ads from your selected campaigns and create brand new ones, you'll know as they will have 'CAT' added to their campaign name.
  2. Your original campaigns will NOT be managed us and they will continue under their existing status, so make sure to pause the campaign in Ads Manager if you wish for CACTIVATE for take over.
  3. If you have multiple campaigns with more than 6 ads, we will automatically choose the top 6. Should you wish to test creatives, please refer to our A/B test feature.
  4. If your campaigns span multiple stores or products, please group and import them separately.
  5. Make sure your locations are consistent. If you have more than 1 location, we will run your top ads in ALL locations. If you wish to keep them separate, please group and import individually.

Note: CACTIVATE duplicates your campaign details, so make sure your Ad Account and campaigns are set up correctly. This includes but is not limited to your:
  • Pixel ID & Event
  • iOS 14 Aggregated Events Setup
  • Facebook Page
  • Ad specifications
  • Valid payment information, etc.
* After the import is complete, 'CAT' will take over within 24 hours. Note that we CANNOT manage your campaigns if you have any setup issues. Complete the full onboarding so one of our experts can audit your account free of charge.

**Please read the explanation above before importing campaigns.

We found {{campaign_list.length}} Campaigns not run by CACTIVATE
Select the facebook Campaigns you want to import.


You selected {{selected_campaigns.length}} Campaigns to import into CACTIVATE:
  • {{campaign.name}}

They will be included in one CACTIVATE Campaign.

Loading Facebook campaigns information..

Daily Budget: {{info.currency}} 

Age:  -



Campaign Objective: 

Pixel Name: {{info.pixel_name}}

Pixel ID: {{info.pixel_id}}

Average ROAS (past 7 days): {{info.currency}} {{info.average_ROAS}}

Breakeven ROAS: {{info.currency}} 

Name your Campaign: 
